Last Modified 04/23/09 11:27 PM
BARSHEARSVale Industries produces two distinct ranges of barshears. These are easily identified by their design and overall size. First there are the standard range of shears Designed to operate with a 5,000 PSI. power unit, these tools will operate with almost any commercially available unit. Virtually indestructible given correct usage, there are eight features of these shears that set the standard for the industry:
The second range of shears that Vale Industries produces is a small, portable shear, powered by 10,000 PSI. hydraulics. While power units may not be common for this pressure the added advantages of size and weight savings more than offsets the additional cost of procuring one. Designed specifically to operate at 10,000 PSI., capacity was not sacrificed to accommodate the portability. Some design points of the Lightweight Shears are: